Landing and Leveraging a TEDx Talk
In this podcast, we feature the powerful duo of Mary Gardner and Frank King. Mary is the President of Mary Gardner Communications and the Inspirational Speakers Bureau which provides consulting […]
The Empire Builders Stephen Semple
Help For The Addicted & Their Families Scott H. Silverman
Surviving A Mid-life Crisis With Less B.S. Kristina Raines
7 Steps to Your Best Life Dr. Michael Broder
In today’s podcast we showcase George Nagle. He is the founder of The Ideation Emporium of Creativity and author of The Five Letter F Word, Miserable At Work? Why? You Don’t Have To Be, and How Are Kids Innovating Faster Than You? He is a Global Keynote Speaker, Masterclass Leader and Consultant on creative innovation. He holds multiple black belt disciplines around innovation in addition to his Master’s of Science and MBA.
Unleash Creativity To Increase Productivity
George Nagle
To book a keynote or schedule some time with George simply visit or even type in George Nagle on Linkedin and he will pop right up to the top!
Thank you all for listening to this AuthorExpertWire podcast brought to you by #AnnieJenningsPR. Visit to learn how you too can enjoy high-powered, NO RETAINER performance publicity to build an influential brand and achieve your marketing and PR goals and objectives
George Nagle, MS, MBA, is a former global executive who managed a portfolio of over $352M. He has written and executed several global strategies in multiple industries. As a creative innovation leader, he has launched 19 products in 14 months. George is the author of the Breakthrough Thinking™ series from The Ideation Emporium of Creativity™, who now takes his simple methods around the world to inspire everyone to unleash their creativity at work and home.
Featuring: Mary Gardner
In this podcast, we feature the powerful duo of Mary Gardner and Frank King. Mary is the President of Mary Gardner Communications and the Inspirational Speakers Bureau which provides consulting […]
Featuring: Stephen Semple
Featuring: Dr. Michael Broder
Annie Jennings PR is a National Publicity Firm that works with authors, speakersand experts in publicity, marketing and branding. Annie’s campaigns are Performance Publicity – NO expensive monthly retainers!
Radio talk show campaigns include a performance guarantee and UNLIMITED media training at no extra charge. Get booked on big radio shows interviews broadcast over the airwaves via telephone interviews – easy to promote coast to coast) with high-powered listenership in big markets plus syndicated radio. Clients LOVE the tremendous exposure and creating their mega-brand!
Annie Jennings PR firm books the #1 radio talk show campaign that comes with a guarantee of performance and UNLIMITED media training, TV show bookings in any city and National TV, major online magazine and print media as well as influential brand-building, prestigious online new media.
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