Tackle the 7 Behaviors of Self Sabotage
In this podcast, we feature Allistar Banks, the author of Girl Rise. Allistar offers a coaching program called “How to Tackle the Seven Behaviors of Self Sabotage” for young women […]
The Empire Builders Stephen Semple
Help For The Addicted & Their Families Scott H. Silverman
Surviving A Mid-life Crisis With Less B.S. Kristina Raines
7 Steps to Your Best Life Dr. Michael Broder
In today’s podcast we feature Javier Sarmiento Jr, an Afro-Latino writer from Harlem, New York. He is a graduate of Buena Vista University with a degree in Digital media. He is a 14-time scholarship winner, which he says is a Harlem record, and is also an award-winning writer. Javier is the author of “Stories of a Harlem Resident”.
14-time Scholarship Winner Shares Success Tips
Javier Sarmiento
Thank you all for listening to this LIGHT UP YOUR BUZZ! podcast brought to you by #AnnieJenningsPR. Visit www.AnnieJenningsPR.com to learn how you too can enjoy high-powered, NO RETAINER performance publicity to build an influential brand and achieve your marketing and PR goals and objectives.
Javier Sarmiento Jr is an Afro-Latino writer from Harlem in New York City. He is a graduate of Buena Vista University with a degree in Digital media. He is a 14-time scholarship winner, which is a Harlem record, and an award-winning writer. His poem, a voice from Harlem, was recently awarded an Honorable mention in the rhyming poetry category in the 90th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition. He wants to use writing to create change in his community.
Featuring: Allister Banks
In this podcast, we feature Allistar Banks, the author of Girl Rise. Allistar offers a coaching program called “How to Tackle the Seven Behaviors of Self Sabotage” for young women […]
Featuring: Stephen Semple
Featuring: Dr. Michael Broder
Annie Jennings PR is a National Publicity Firm that works with authors, speakersand experts in publicity, marketing and branding. Annie’s campaigns are Performance Publicity – NO expensive monthly retainers!
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