Soaring In Your Faith & Fitness
In this podcast we feature April Griffith, an international speaker, author, mindset strategist and fitness coach who spent years working in higher education and at one of the largest financial […]
The Empire Builders Stephen Semple
Help For The Addicted & Their Families Scott H. Silverman
Surviving A Mid-life Crisis With Less B.S. Kristina Raines
7 Steps to Your Best Life Dr. Michael Broder
In this podcast we feature Amy Lundberg, an energy health practitioner who combines energy medicine, soul profile readings and chakras to help women who have a yearning for “something more.” She is the author of the e-book, Self Care Before Sit Ups, and has shared the virtual stage with Dr. Bruce Lipton and Jack Canfield and has also been quoted in the LA Times.
Fitness For The Soul
Amy Lundberg
Fitness For The Soul
Learn more about Amy and her work at If you feel called to connect with her, please go to to have a soul connection conversation.
Thank you all for listening to this LIGHT UP YOUR BUZZ! podcast brought to you by #AnnieJenningsPR. Visit www
As Amy Lundberg was approaching 40, running her coaching business, and raising four children, she became emotionally exhausted, overwhelmed and very lonely aka BURNED OUT and no number of self-help books, workshops, conferences, yoga and green smoothies fully kicked it...She felt like her soul was quietly drowning. Amy then went on a transformational journey that connected her back to her soul purpose allowing her to fill in the invisible puzzle pieces, and confidently re-claim her joy. A graduate of the Rhys Thomas Energy Medicine Institute, along with 20 years of coaching experience, Amy developed her signature approach by combining energy medicine, soul profile readings and chakras to help women who have a yearning for "something more" calling them forward; liberating themselves from the curse of "not enough" and the myth of "hard work pays off," to release inner resistance and create impactful shifts to have greater purposeful meaning in their lives. Amy is the author of the e-book, Self Care Before Sit Ups, and co-author of Wake Up Women: Be Happy, Healthy & Wealthy. She co-hosted the health talk radio show, Living Your Personal Best, produced the weekly television segment, Fitness Tips, for local TV station/show, has shared the virtual stage with Dr. Bruce Lipton and Jack Canfield, and been quoted in the LA Times.
Featuring: April Griffith
In this podcast we feature April Griffith, an international speaker, author, mindset strategist and fitness coach who spent years working in higher education and at one of the largest financial […]
Featuring: Scott H. Silverman
Featuring: Christy Primmer
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