Dreams That Can Save Your Life
Have you had a deja vu or a dream come true? Our guest today, Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos has been a dreamer all her life and believes our dreams are sacred […]
The Empire Builders Stephen Semple
Help For The Addicted & Their Families Scott H. Silverman
Surviving A Mid-life Crisis With Less B.S. Kristina Raines
7 Steps to Your Best Life Dr. Michael Broder
In today’s podcast we feature Susan Cavka, who is not your typical Hypnotherapist. She is an investigator of the mind and the ultimate guide to your inner senses and self. As a former private investigator for over 27 years in Downtown Los Angeles, and now as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, she has developed a very unique and special set of skills that she uses to guide her clients out of their own way, and into achieving true deep healing. Most importantly, she connects them to their inner senses, helping them truly know their real purpose and unlimited Superpowers.
The Big Effect Childhood Has On Adulthood
Susan Cavka
Susan Cavka cares deeply about her clients and their success. If you are interested in learning more about her deep healing program, or would like to schedule a consultation call, please go to Susan’s website www.susancavka.com. She is also available for speaking engagements.
Thank you all for listening to this LIGHT UP YOUR BUZZ! podcast brought to you by #AnnieJenningsPR. Visit www
Susan Cavka is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Advanced RTT Therapist, Intuitive Healer, Mindset & Relationship Expert and Truth Teller. Prior to discovering her gift as a healer, she was a Private Investigator for over 27 years, beginning in the early 90's in downtown Los Angeles. Her experiences and training have helped her develop a very Special Set of Skills & Intuition. This knowing, and inner connection to her power and purpose is what makes Susan a world class healer.
Featuring: Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos
Have you had a deja vu or a dream come true? Our guest today, Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos has been a dreamer all her life and believes our dreams are sacred […]
Featuring: Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos
Featuring: Ghost Buster Gals
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