Families and Addiction
In this podcast, we feature Kevin Petersen, the founder of The Chronic Hope Institute, which provides healing for families and family case management training for clinicians. His recent book, Chronic […]
The Empire Builders Stephen Semple
Help For The Addicted & Their Families Scott H. Silverman
Surviving A Mid-life Crisis With Less B.S. Kristina Raines
7 Steps to Your Best Life Dr. Michael Broder
In this podcast, we feature Alisha Coombe, CEO of Colorado Children First and author of Family Law Boot Camp. Colorado Children First provides free and affordable legal services to endangered children and their families. Family Law Boot Camp is a book designed to help people represent themselves in a family law court case.
Tools to Expand Access to Justice
Alisha Coombe
Learn more about Alisha Coombe and her work at https://coloradochildrenfirst.org
Thank you all for listening to this LIGHT UP YOUR BUZZ! podcast brought to you by #AnnieJenningsPR. Visit www.AnnieJenningsPR.com to learn how you too can enjoy high-powered, NO RETAINER performance publicity to build an influential brand and achieve your marketing and PR goals and objectives.
Alisha Coombe is an experienced family lawyer who is passionate about using her legal knowledge to serve the community and expand access to justice. Alisha has made a career out of actively working to improve the judicial process to make it more accessible and cost-effective for parties. Alisha started Colorado Children First to help parents protect their endangered children by expanding the presence of child representatives in Court and expanding access to affordable counsel. Alisha successfully proposed a simplified family law procedure to the Colorado Supreme Court to make the family law process easier for self-represented parties, which was adopted as an official rule. Ever the entrepreneur, Alisha continues to create innovative programs to make family law programs more affordable to everyone, including legal math tools.
Featuring: Kevin Petersen
In this podcast, we feature Kevin Petersen, the founder of The Chronic Hope Institute, which provides healing for families and family case management training for clinicians. His recent book, Chronic […]
Featuring: Kristina Raines
Featuring: Jim Lange
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