The Power of Visibility
Roshanda Pratt, author of CEO of Live Video, provides clients with the strategies to be visible in life, business, online and on air. She works with action takers, thought-leaders, speakers, consultants […]
The Empire Builders Stephen Semple
Help For The Addicted & Their Families Scott H. Silverman
Surviving A Mid-life Crisis With Less B.S. Kristina Raines
7 Steps to Your Best Life Dr. Michael Broder
Today’s guest is Jacob M Engel, CEO of Yeda LLC, which he founded in 2010 after the financial market meltdown, helping hundreds of people and companies get back onto their feet.
He is also the author of The Prosperous Leaders, The Ten Commandments of Family Business Succession and The Ten Commandments of Highly Effective Leaders. Jacob focuses on Leaders and aspiring leaders that are looking to take their business and career to the proverbial next level and are looking for someone who has been there, done that and has helped many like you, the listener and your team, climb that difficult mountain.
The Ten Commandments of Highly Effective Leaders
Jacob Engel
Learn more about Jacob Engel and his books, where he has put together the best ideas that work for your business, and which he has used in his own family business, online at www.theprosperousleader.
Thank you all for listening to this AuthorExpertWire podcast brought to you by #AnnieJenningsPR. Visit to learn how you too can enjoy high-powered, NO RETAINER performance publicity to build an influential brand and achieve your marketing and PR goals and objectives.
Jacob is the founder & CEO of Yeda LLC, which helps CEOs and Executive Teams reach Higher Effectiveness. He is the author of The Prosperous Leader which is available on Amazon. (Audio as well). Recently he wrote a short book The Ten Commandments of Family Business Succession. (Available on Amazon). In addition, he created an online course available on Jacob is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and business owners succeed in their businesses. His mission is to empower leaders and managers through giving them the knowledge to change ("Yeda” in Hebrew is knowledge) and helping them implement the changes in their organizations. Jacob is a Certified Myers Briggs evaluator, Certified 7 Habits for highly effective people facilitator, Certified Positive Psychology coach and trained with Roy Cammarano, Author and Consultant on his Entrepreneurial Transitions theory. Previously Jacob was the COO of a 200MM family food and real estate enterprise.
Featuring: Roshanda Pratt
Roshanda Pratt, author of CEO of Live Video, provides clients with the strategies to be visible in life, business, online and on air. She works with action takers, thought-leaders, speakers, consultants […]
Featuring: Stephen Semple
Featuring: Jay McDonald
Annie Jennings PR is a National Publicity Firm that works with authors, speakersand experts in publicity, marketing and branding. Annie’s campaigns are Performance Publicity – NO expensive monthly retainers!
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