Revenge Soldiers
In this podcast, we feature Paranormal Fantasy writer, Dan Pagano. Dan has authored six books, including the latest, Revenge Soldiers, all available on Revenge Soldiers Dan, tell us about the plot […]
The Empire Builders Stephen Semple
Help For The Addicted & Their Families Scott H. Silverman
Surviving A Mid-life Crisis With Less B.S. Kristina Raines
7 Steps to Your Best Life Dr. Michael Broder
In this podcast, we feature Author John “Mac” MacIlroy, retired attorney, now a writer of both memoir and fiction. His first book, a co-authored collection of zany and “mostly true” stories of his gently mis-spent boyhood, was featured on national syndicated radio in the summer of 2018. Tony Dow, who played “Wally Cleaver” on Leave It to Beaver,” said this about it: “What fun! Reading NOT EXACTLY ROCKET SCIENTISTS and Other Stories was like hanging out with Eddie, Lumby, and the guys from the show.”
His upcoming book, WHATEVER HAPPENS, PROBABLY WILL, goes in a different direction, a collection of short, powerful stories “told in tight places,” as the critic Sam Sacks likes to call the form.
A Conversation with Author John “Mac” MacIlroy
John MacIlroy
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A graduate of Yale College, Harvard, and the University of Virginia School of Law, John W. “Mac” MacIlroy began writing creatively in 2016. His first book, a co-authored collection of “mostly true” stories of a zany boyhood, was published in 2017. Not Exactly Rocket Scientists and Other Stories was featured on syndicated national radio, including iHeart Media’s Unplugged and Totally Uncut, Sports USA, and The Charlotte Reader’s Podcast. Best-selling author Pat Conroy called it “a great book about friendship,” and a sequel is in the works. Turning to short fiction, his stories have appeared in Short Story America, Catfish Stew, Short Fiction Break, Ebb & Flow, Reflections, and Y’all Magazine. That magazine named his story “Duke’s” a “Best of 2019 Short Story,” and his story “The Man Inside” was named a Finalist in the 2021 Coker Fiction Fellowship competition.
Featuring: Dan Pagano
In this podcast, we feature Paranormal Fantasy writer, Dan Pagano. Dan has authored six books, including the latest, Revenge Soldiers, all available on Revenge Soldiers Dan, tell us about the plot […]
Featuring: Elizabeth Rossi
Featuring: Wayne Weiner
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