Developing Your Intuitive Ability
Our guest today is Terri Jay, author of The Cowgirl Shaman Way – Seven Easy Steps to Develop Your Intuitive Ability. Terri is a medium, intuitive, pet psychic and a whole lot […]
The Empire Builders Stephen Semple
Help For The Addicted & Their Families Scott H. Silverman
Surviving A Mid-life Crisis With Less B.S. Kristina Raines
7 Steps to Your Best Life Dr. Michael Broder
Our guest today is Dr. Linda Salvin, a former Epidemiologist turned metaphysical clinician, psychic and healer. She was an original radio psychic from 1994-2009, creator of Wicks of Wisdom magic candle line and spiritual counselor to thousands through the years. Having earned a Bachelor’s in Health Education and a Master’s in Epidemiology, several life changing events led her onto a spiritual path.
A Spiritual Awakening
Dr. Linda Salvin
Learn more about Dr. Linda Salvin and her services online at www.lindasalvin.com or you can call her directly, toll free at 888.509.1077. She returns all calls!
Thank you all for listening to this podcast brought to you by AnnieJenningsPR.com.
Dr. Linda Salvin Ph.D. is a former Epidemiologist turned metaphysical clinician, psychic and healer. She was an original radio psychic from 1994-2009, is creator of the Wicks of Wisdom magic candle line and a spiritual counselor to thousands through the years. Having earned a Bachelor's in Health Education and a Master's in Epideimology, several life changing events led her onto a spiritual path. She has been in private practice since 1992.
Featuring: Terri Jay
Our guest today is Terri Jay, author of The Cowgirl Shaman Way – Seven Easy Steps to Develop Your Intuitive Ability. Terri is a medium, intuitive, pet psychic and a whole lot […]
Featuring: Susan Cavka
Featuring: Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos
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