Reduce Your Stress with the Emotion Code
In this podcast, we feature Dr. Bradley Nelson, a leader in the field of Natural Wellness that specializes in helping people overcome physical and emotional discomfort by releasing their emotional […]
The Empire Builders Stephen Semple
Help For The Addicted & Their Families Scott H. Silverman
Surviving A Mid-life Crisis With Less B.S. Kristina Raines
7 Steps to Your Best Life Dr. Michael Broder
In this podcast, we feature Erin Porter, the author of Eat Pray Get Well – A Journey from Chronic Illness & Brokenness to Wholeness & Healing and blogger at Erin has been seen on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS American Health Journal, Know the Cause, Christian Television Network and more. In her book, she takes you through her journey of a difficult childhood, chronic illness, food binging, and her relationship with God, all along the way to healing.
Eat Pray Get Well
Erin Porter
You can learn more about Erin Porter online at Her book, Eat Pray Get Well, can be found on her site as well as Amazon.
Thank you all for listening to this AuthorExpertWire podcast brought to you by #AnnieJenningsPR. Visit to learn how you too can enjoy high-powered, NO RETAINER performance publicity to build an influential brand and achieve your marketing and PR goals and objectives.
At eighteen years old, Erin Porter was desperate to leave home, so she got a job in Manhattan and rented the only apartment she could afford. It had the typical New York City roaches and visible mold, but she was ecstatic to be out on her own regardless. Up to that point her home life was difficult, some may say abusive, so to be out on her own was an answer to prayer. Unfortunately, the excitement was short lived. Instead of embarking on a new journey of exploring the big city, she was running from doctor to doctor on her lunch hour trying to figure out what was single handedly trying to steal her health since the move. Within weeks she came down a sinus infection, along with many new and bizarre symptoms. That was the beginning of a 20-plus year descent into chronic illness. Still reeling from an abusive childhood, she had to navigate healing herself both physically and emotionally and found a relationship with God in the process.
Featuring: Dr. Bradley Nelson
In this podcast, we feature Dr. Bradley Nelson, a leader in the field of Natural Wellness that specializes in helping people overcome physical and emotional discomfort by releasing their emotional […]
Featuring: Scott H. Silverman
Featuring: Christy Primmer
Annie Jennings PR is a National Publicity Firm that works with authors, speakersand experts in publicity, marketing and branding. Annie’s campaigns are Performance Publicity – NO expensive monthly retainers!
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