The Absent Father Effect
In this podcast, we feature Susan E. Schwartz, Ph.D., experienced Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist, who enjoys teaching at numerous professional and community organizations as well as giving workshops and […]
The Empire Builders Stephen Semple
Help For The Addicted & Their Families Scott H. Silverman
Surviving A Mid-life Crisis With Less B.S. Kristina Raines
7 Steps to Your Best Life Dr. Michael Broder
In this podcast we discuss No Names to Be Given, a new book by Julia Brewer Daily, who asks, “would you be able to give your first-born to strangers?” Well, millions did and how that inconceivable act changed them forever is the story of this novel with southern voices, love exploited, heartbreak and blackmail.
Author Talk with Debut Novelist Julia Brewer Daily
Julia Brewer Daily
The widely anticipated debut novel by Julia Brewer Daily is a glimpse into the lives of women forced by society to gift their newborns to strangers. Although this novel is a fictional account, it mirrors many of the adoption stories of its era. No Names to Be Given is available where ever fine books are sold.
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Julia Brewer Daily is a Texan with a southern accent. She holds a B.S. in English and a M.S. degree in Education from the University of Southern Mississippi. She has been a Communications Adjunct Professor at Belhaven University, Jackson, Mississippi, and Public Relations Director of the Mississippi Department of Education and Millsaps College, a liberal arts college in Jackson, MS. She was the founding director of the Greater Belhaven Market, a producers’ only market in a historic neighborhood in Jackson, and even shadowed Martha Stewart. As the Executive Director of the Craftsmen’s Guild of Mississippi (300 artisans from 19 states) which operates the Mississippi Craft Center, she wrote their stories to introduce them to the public. Daily is an adopted child from a maternity home hospital in New Orleans. She searched and found her birth mother and through a DNA test, her birth father’s family, as well. A lifelong southerner, she now resides on a ranch in Fredericksburg, Texas, with her husband Emmerson and Labrador retrievers, Memphis Belle and Texas Star.
Featuring: Susan Schwartz
In this podcast, we feature Susan E. Schwartz, Ph.D., experienced Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist, who enjoys teaching at numerous professional and community organizations as well as giving workshops and […]
Featuring: Kristina Raines
Featuring: Jim Lange
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