Tapping Into Your High Performance Brain
Jamie Damsker is a leadership coach and keynote speaker. As a coach, he works with people committed to showing up as powerful leaders in their lives and creating extraordinary outcomes for themselves, […]
The Empire Builders Stephen Semple
Help For The Addicted & Their Families Scott H. Silverman
Surviving A Mid-life Crisis With Less B.S. Kristina Raines
7 Steps to Your Best Life Dr. Michael Broder
Matt Episcopo is a highly sought after speaker and the author of How To Gain The Upper Hand, P.O.W.E.R. Tactics That Get Leaders Results. His programs are given virtually as well as in person. He is an expert in communication and leadership.
Gain the Upper Hand
Matt Episcopo
Learn more about Matt by visiting his web site at MattEpiscopo.com You will see Matt in action. Watch his TEDx talk and other videos. You can also watch the rave reviews from people who have hired Matt. Want a copy of Matt’s book How To Gain The Upper Hand, P.O.W.E.R. Tactics That Get Leaders Results, click on “Matt’s Book” page to grab your copy. There are also plenty of free gifts on every page.Check it out now.
Thank you all for listening to this AuthorExpertWire podcast brought to you by #AnnieJenningsPR. Visit www.AnnieJenningsPR.com to learn how you too can enjoy high-powered, NO RETAINER performance publicity to build an influential brand and achieve your marketing and PR goals and objectives.
Matt Episcopo has redefined the formula for personal power, leadership and business success. Matt knows that the real way to become effective is to build credibility, trust and solid relationships. When we establish trust and credibility, others will say "Yes" to our ideas, products and services. His efforts have helped associations and companies around the world improve their leadership, customer retention and employee engagement. From start-ups to Fortune 500's, Matt is widely recognized as an energizing and engaging presenter. He is author of the book How To Gain The Upper Hand, P.O.W.E.R. Tactics That Get Leaders Results. Real life experience and results are what fuels this relationship-generating powerhouse. A Medal of Honor recipient with more that 21 years of law enforcement experience, Matt will teach you how to engage with virtually anyone.
Featuring: Jamie Damsker
Jamie Damsker is a leadership coach and keynote speaker. As a coach, he works with people committed to showing up as powerful leaders in their lives and creating extraordinary outcomes for themselves, […]
Featuring: Stephen Semple
Featuring: Jay McDonald
Annie Jennings PR is a National Publicity Firm that works with authors, speakersand experts in publicity, marketing and branding. Annie’s campaigns are Performance Publicity – NO expensive monthly retainers!
Radio talk show campaigns include a performance guarantee and UNLIMITED media training at no extra charge. Get booked on big radio shows interviews broadcast over the airwaves via telephone interviews – easy to promote coast to coast) with high-powered listenership in big markets plus syndicated radio. Clients LOVE the tremendous exposure and creating their mega-brand!
Annie Jennings PR firm books the #1 radio talk show campaign that comes with a guarantee of performance and UNLIMITED media training, TV show bookings in any city and National TV, major online magazine and print media as well as influential brand-building, prestigious online new media.
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